Who am I? (´┏o┓`)

Hey you word-loving, photo-seeking, food-eating folks!! How do you do?

Apa khabaq?

First of all, thanks for reading my blog! 〆(・∀・@)

Terima kasih sebab membaca belog saya.

I love thinking that I get to share stuff will y'all without having to actually strain my back sitting down day and night, typing on the keyboard while drinking gallons of Starbucks and eating tons of jelly-filled donuts while being deprived of sleep(who needs sleep!?!) and everything that makes life beautiful and happy.

Saya suka tuleh, saya suukaa tuleh.

Haaa, that's right, I don't need to do all that, thanks to Blogger.com ☆~(ゝ。∂)

Back to business
Anyway, about me, my name Mohamad Iqram but sometimes I call myself Daisuke(a given name) and most of the time, people call me Kyū(Q, really, just Q), for a reason that will take quite some time to explain.

Where am I from?
I'm from Malaysia... sia... sia...(this is how you write echoes, right?)

If you're not from Malaysia, chances are, you don't know where it is. Let me help you with that, with the help of Goooooooogle maps~

There it is, in between Singapore and Thailand :)

And what do I do for a living?
I'm unemployed--or rather, I'm still in college, or here in Malaysia, we call it, 'tertiary education student', haha.

I'm studying in Universiti Putra Malaysia(UPM) as well as Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Temenggong Ibrahim(IPG KTI)... phew... that was a mouthful wasn't it.

Well, that's pretty much it about me.

My hobbies, my interests, you'll discover them in my posts.

I'm sure you won't want to read too much about someone you don't know anyway, haha.

Happy reading!

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