Friday, May 3, 2013

The friend who cries (T_T)

Fakrul weighs 120kgs. That's 264 pounds. Of happiness

Rizal, 60kgs, have been friends with Fakrul ever since they were still pooping their pants.

Diarrhoea. They were 12.

Rizal was sitting on a bench, in front of his house, enjoying the company of the canaries he stole from the newly opened pet store, owned by Pak Kam.

He claimed to borrow them. He doesn't believe in karma.

It was a sunny day and Rizal felt too lazy to finish his chores.

Which his mom gave to him since last week. To wash the dishes.

Mom went to her mother's house since last week. That gave Rizal the license to go wild.

Fakrul was walking, heading towards Rizal's house. With a 3-scoop ice cream cone in his happy hand.

He went to his BFF and sat right next to him. Right next to him.

He said, "Rizal, I'm so depressed." ( ̄◇ ̄;)

"Why?" prompted Rizal. (・・?)

Fakrul solemnly replies "I'm fat."

Rizal was silent.

Fakrul went on, "I've been fat all my life and I think it's time for a change"

"I don't have a girlfriend, nobody wants me" (。-_-。)

Tears rolled down Rizal's cheeks. (;_;)

Fakrul saw the tears and wiped Rizal's tears with his sticky chocolate-flavoured fingers. (・・?)

Fakrul asked, "You're the only one who understand my pain, friend"

Fakrul stood up, and went back home.

Rizal continued crying. He cried and cried.

Rizal raised his hands and cried some more.

He was in so much pain. His right hand was crushed.

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