Friday, April 26, 2013

To Pixel or not to Pixel (*´・v・)

Just as a disclaimer, I was not paid to write this post. ;)

Have you ever tried Pixelmator before?

I am not much of a photographer and I don't work for National Geographic, far from it, I can barely understand the splash page of Photoshop, but for the sake of making a logo for blogs and making PNGs, I gave it a try and in comparison to Photoshop, this is much easier to use.

Of course, it is a much cheaper app than Photoshop($14.99[RIGHT NOW CAUSE THEY'RE HAVING A SALE{$60 regular price}] vs $699). Most importantly, it gets the job done.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it's an OS X
app, so, sorry Windows users, you've got to get a Mac for this one.

So, who is Pixelmator for? 

It's definitely an app for 'the rest of us' and I mean it in the kindest possible way because this app's simplicity is beyond that of the more robust and powerful Photoshop CS6 and other photo editing apps out there. Here's a screenshot of how I used Pixelmator to make Uber Dots' logo:


Pixelmator's current version is 2.1 and these versions, just like OS X are code named. 2.1 is Cherry, while the upcoming 2.2 is Blueberry
2.1 Cherry

2.2 Blueberry

Sounds good enough to eat right? You can check out Blueberry's features in this video by Pixelmator:


This current logo is just a first try. I can't wait for 2.2 to come out, seeing how it can make letters in a word as individual objects, I'm sure that I can get a much über logo! Life is a journey, you learn things as you go on and sometimes you'll find great wisdom in cheap stuff that works(Uber Dots, 2013). Just like you, I like to make my life easier and here's one of the ways :)

Check out my favourite feature in Pixelmator:

Alright guys, give it a try and tell me how you like it. Here's a link for the trial version. Tell me how you like it in the comments below  d=(´▽`)=b

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